So please, feast your eyes and your belly laughs on this website: Catalog Living
Their mantra is
"A look into the exciting lives of the people who live in your catalogs."Basically just take pictures that are typically scattered all over catalogs and design blogposts, and make fun of the theoretical people who live in these houses.
A copied preview (is this ok??) of three of my favorite posts:
It's a Sign
Gary chuckled knowing that somewhere in Belgium a driver was hopelessly lost, having missed the turn at Via Kalenberg.
Greasing the Wheels
Elaine was thrilled to finally have a classy way to enjoy the occasional swig of olive oil in public.
No Bones About It
To be fair Elaine, I specifically asked not to be in charge of decor for the wake.
Just go visit it... I chuckled out loud every post during Grand Rounds this week ... (shouldn't get cell service in lecture hall), and now I am going to follow it daily.